The Palawan Scientist Research Paper Use of Facebook as a medium for asynchronous learning: perceptions among undergraduate industrial technology students at a public higher education institution in the Philippines

Use of Facebook as a medium for asynchronous learning: perceptions among undergraduate industrial technology students at a public higher education institution in the Philippines

Christian Le Marjo A. Caipang1 Email icon, Alfredo P. Porras2 and Christopher Marlowe A. Caipang3
1College of Industrial Technology, Iloilo Science and Technology University, LaPaz 5000, Iloilo City, Philippines
2College of Arts and Sciences, Iloilo Science and Technology University, LaPaz 5000, Iloilo City, Philippines
3College of Liberal Arts, Sciences and Education, University of San Agustin, Iloilo City 5000, Philippines

The online social networking, Facebook has gained much popularity among the public primarily for interactions and for the exchange of information. However, the extent of the benefits of this social networking platform in facilitating students’ learning needs to be assessed. A quantitative descriptive study was conducted to determine the perceptions of undergraduate industrial technology students in a public university of using this social networking platform as one of the tools for asynchronous learning. Seventy (70) randomly selected respondents were asked to answer some questions related to their perceptions of using Facebook in their learning activities. The respondents, as a whole group, had a “Favorable” perception towards using Facebook as a learning tool for asynchronous learning. There were no significant differences in the perception of using Facebook when the respondents were grouped according to sex, length of membership and the time spent on using the social network. Respondents who had low scholastic standing had a “Strongly Favorable” perception towards Facebook as a learning tool and their level of perception was significantly different from both groups with average and high scholastic status. There was a weak correlation between the level of perception towards the use of Facebook and the different independent variables and the degree of relationship was not significant. Nevertheless, Facebook can still be used as a platform to create awareness among students about their lessons in school and can be used as one of the avenues to help students who are weak academically through online tutorials and correspondence.

Keywords: academic performance, e-learning, network, online learning, social media

Available Online: 05 January 2021

How to Cite:
Caipang CLA, Porras AP and Caipang CMA. 2021. Use of Facebook as a medium for asynchronous learning: perceptions among undergraduate industrial technology students at a public higher education institution in the Philippines. The Palawan Scientist, 13(1): 78-89.

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