The Palawan Scientist Research Paper Research instruction among secondary schools implementing Science, Technology and Engineering (STE) Program in MIMAROPA Region

Research instruction among secondary schools implementing Science, Technology and Engineering (STE) Program in MIMAROPA Region

Wendell I. Formalejo1 Email icon and Eufrecina Jean DR. Ramirez2
1Curriculum and Learning Management Division, DepEd MIMAROPA Region, Pasig, Philippines,
2Graduate School, Centro Escolar University, Manila, Philippines

Research plays a critical role of expanding the frontier of knowledge and boosting national economic development, but research as a field is undervalued in the Philippines. This study assessed the status of research instruction in terms of course content, teaching strategies, and research collaboration among secondary schools implementing Science, Technology and Engineering (STE) Program in MIMAROPA Region, school year 2015-2016. Mixed method approach utilizing the survey questionnaire, classroom observation and focus group discussion was used in this study. The respondents were composed of the Grade 10 students and the research teachers of the STE high schools. Majority of the teacher-respondents are in middle-age, female, had earned academic requirements for master’s program, had moderate experience in teaching, had attended research trainings, and had on-going researches. Overall, both respondents showed somewhat positive attitude ( x̅ =5.21) towards research activities, however, they manifested negative attitude, specifically, that of research anxiety ( x̅ =3.45). On the status of research instruction, significant findings were noted in course content, teaching strategies and research collaboration. In terms of content, most of the topics were rated “very well discussed” and “well discussed” except for “Introduction to Statistics” and “Preparation of Proposals”; hence, improvement must be done on these topics. Surprisingly, research teachers had moderately utilized the proposed strategies along these topics. On the other hand, it is noteworthy that the respondents had undergone the right direction in research collaboration by networking with various experts, institutions and organizations.

Keywords: Research Instruction, Science, Technology and Engineering (STE) Program

How to Cite:
Formalejo WI and Ramirez EJR. 2017. Research instruction among secondary schools implementing Science, Technology and Engineering (STE) Program in MIMAROPA Region. The Palawan Scientist, 9: 49-62.

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