Received articles will be properly acknowledged and will undergo screening process using the Guide for Author’s Checklist and anti-plagiarism tool (Grammarly & Turnitin). It will be immediately sent off for review if it satisfies the preliminary review. If it does not, it will be sent back to the corresponding author for revision.

Upon receiving a manuscript via Google Form, the Editorial Staff (ES) will acknowledge receipt via email and the paper will be assigned with a manuscript number.
Stage 1: Pre-Evaluation
The ES will assess the manuscript’s completeness and formatting according to the Checklist for Authors and use a plagiarism detection tool (Grammarly & Turnitin) within 15-30 working days. The author will be notified via email if the manuscript progresses to Stage 2. If revisions are needed, the author must submit the revised manuscript and any necessary documents (Cover Letter, Certification for Copyright Transfer) within 15-30 working days (or a timeline specified by the ES). A manuscript will be rejected if the author does not adhere to the requirements and guidelines of the journal.
Stage 2: Internal Review
The Internal Editor (IE) will evaluate the manuscript’s substance within 15-30 working days. The author will be notified via email whether the manuscript is accepted for Stage 3 or if revisions are required. Revised manuscripts should be returned within 30-60 working days, depending on the extent of revisions needed. A manuscript will be rejected if the author does not adhere to the requirements and guidelines of the journal.
Stage 3: External Review
Two External Referees (ERs) will review the manuscript. The ES will send review invitations to the ERs and acknowledge their acceptance via email. A double-blind review process will take within 30-90 working days (see Peer-Review Process).
Stage 4: Internal Review
The IE will review and consolidate feedback from the ERs within 5 working days. The author will be notified via email whether the manuscript is accepted for proofreading (Stage 5) or if further revisions are necessary. If revisions are required, the author must submit a matrix summarizing responses to reviewer comments and highlighting changes in the manuscript using color coding within 30-60 working days. The manuscript will be examined by the IE, and the process will repeat until the manuscript is ready for publication. A manuscript will be rejected if the author does not adhere to the requirements and guidelines of the journal.
Stage 5: Proofreading
Manuscripts passing Stage 4 will be sent to a Language Critic (LC) for grammar, spelling, and style to ensure coherence. Authors must address LC’s suggestions and submit revisions within 7-15 working days.
Stage 6: Publication
Once the manuscript is finalized, the ES will prepare the galley proof within 5 working days for the author’s approval. The article will then be posted online ahead of its official publication date.