The Palawan Scientist Research Paper Length-weight relationships of eight discarded flatfish species from Gallipoli Peninsula (Northern Aegean Sea, Türkiye): An evaluation for ecosystem-based fisheries management

Original Article

Length-weight relationships of eight discarded flatfish species from Gallipoli Peninsula (Northern Aegean Sea, Türkiye): An evaluation for ecosystem-based fisheries management

Özgür Cengiz
Van Yüzüncü Yıl University, Fisheries Faculty, Van, Turkey

The fishing management authorities are in need of some biometric throughput and analysis with a view to the administration and protection of fishery stocks. The inputs regarding the lengths and weights of fish species have frequently been taken into account in order to divulge biological information. In the present research, length-weight relationships were extrapolated for discarded eight flatfishes off Gallipoli Peninsula (Northern Aegean Sea, Türkiye). From January 2017 to December 2017, a total of 142 individuals of eight species (Arnoglossus imperialis, Arnoglossus laterna, Arnoglossus rueppelii, Arnoglossus thori, Symphurus nigrescens, Microchirus ocellatus, Microchirus varieagatus, Monochirus hispidus) belonging to three families (Bothidae, Cynoglossidae, Soleidae) were collected from commercial fishermen’s catches. The length-weight relationships’ slopes (b) varied from 2.64 to 3.41. Every length-weight relationships was statistically significant (P < 0.0001). This paper embodies preliminary data on the LWRs of discarded eight flatfishes for the Gallipoli Peninsula (Northern Aegean Sea, Türkiye). Hence, data on the discarded fish species is of importance when keeping in view sustainable ecosystem-based fisheries management and, in the continuation of the long-dated investigations of the length-weight relationships of the fish species in question. This must be performed on an ongoing basis so as to monitor the current state of fish stocks. The stakeholders could utilize the results of the present research in the coming times.

Keywords: Fish biology, Gallipoli Peninsula, Northern Aegean Sea, Türkiye

Available Online: 22 October 2022

How to cite:
Cengiz Ö. 2022. Length-weight relationships of eight discarded flatfish species from Gallipoli Peninsula (Northern Aegean Sea, Türkiye): An evaluation for ecosystem-based fisheries management. The Palawan Scientist, 14(2): 26-34.

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