The Palawan Scientist Research Paper Jigsaw strategy: strengthening achievement and interest in mathematics among elementary pre-service teachers

Original Article

Jigsaw strategy: strengthening achievement and interest in mathematics among elementary pre-service teachers

Eldimar D. Bacsal1,2ORCID logo, Edwin D. Ibañez3ORCID logo and Jupeth T. Pentang4ORCID logo Email icon
1College of Education, Central Luzon State University, Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
2College of Teacher Education, Pangasinan State University, Pangasinan, Philippines
3College of Science, Central Luzon State University, Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
4College of Education, Western Philippines University, Puerto Princesa City, Philippines


Mathematics is considered one of the most challenging courses for many elementary pre-service teachers (EPTs). In hopes for improvement, teacher educators have been incorporating a jigsaw strategy to equip future teachers with the necessary competencies. Hence, the study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the jigsaw strategy with EPTs’ level of mathematics achievement and interest in an online cooperative learning environment. The research utilized a pre-experimental design with 40 participants. The researchers used pretest and posttest questions covering fraction operations and a mathematics interest questionnaire before and after the intervention. With the implementation of the jigsaw strategy, results showed that the EPTs’ mathematics achievement improved while their interest in mathematics improved to some extent. Likewise, a significant difference between the pre-and post-intervention concerning the EPTs’ mathematics achievement and interest in mathematics was found. Furthermore, correlation analysis revealed that study time is negatively related to mathematics achievement, as is the overall level of interest in mathematics. These findings imply that a jigsaw strategy is a useful tool in teaching mathematics online. However, several modifications may be considered to recognize that the EPTs’ interest in mathematics varies from one person to another. Teacher education institutions are encouraged to apply this strategy not only for EPTs to increase their mathematical know-hows but also to serve as an example for them to employ in their future teaching careers.

Keywords: cooperative learning, fractions, mathematics education, prospective teachers, teacher education institution

Available Online: 03 April 2022

How to Cite:
Bascal ED, Ibañez ED and Pentang JT. 2022. Jigsaw strategy: strengthening achievement and interest in mathematics among elementary pre-service teachers. The Palawan Scientist, 14(1): 35-42.

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