The Palawan Scientist Editorial Editorial (The Palawan Scientist, 10, July 2018)

Editorial (The Palawan Scientist, 10, July 2018)

The Palawan Scientist Journal, a recipient of the CHED Journal Incubation Grant, and listed in the Asian Citation Index, is gaining the respect of researchers within and outside the Philippines. This is manifested by the diversity of papers and author’s affiliations in this 10th volume of the journal.

The paper of Lawrence M. Lao of Hiroshima University on marine algae of the Cuyo Islands found that there are untapped marine resources particularly the red algae that could be exploited commercially. An article by Herminie P. Palla and co-authors provided the first comprehensive information on length-weight relationships for 87 fish species in the province of Palawan. Researchers can now, therefore, compute fish biomass in Palawan without using parameter estimates from other countries.

Abegail L. Gonzales of Batangas State University found no significant relationships between self-efficacy and technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge of senior high school biology teachers in Batangas City. She suggested specific training designs for faculty development programs including the conduct of similar studies in other fields.

Jhonamie Mabuhay-Omar and co-authors determined the effects of two combinations of forest management practices applied on replacement pine plantations after the occurrence of pine wilt disease in Hiroshima, Japan. The variations among sites in terms of soil chemical properties, relative light intensity difference, microbial biomass and abundance, and the high correlations among biological and physico-chemical properties of soil led to a conclusion that there is high interdependence among soil’s characteristics.

Edgar D. Jose reported a developed protocol in propagation, reforestation and sustainable management of almaciga (Agathis philippinensis), a vulnerable resin-producing tree species valuable to the indigenous community as a source of income. An article on rapid assessment of mammalian fauna of Cleopatra’s Needle Critical Habitat done by Paris N. Marler and co-authors found some rare and vulnerable species suggested the importance of Cleopatra’s Needle as critical habitat in Palawan.

We are thankful to these authors for choosing the Palawan Scientist in making their works globally accessible. May their works be of great value to those working in similar fields.

Let’s continue in making the knowledge work to influence and inspire others.


Romeo R. Lerom, PhD
Associate Editor, The Palawan Scientist Journal
Professor, Western Philippines University

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