Research Article
Determination of water quality characteristics of Süphan and Hıdırmenteş Lakes (Van-Eastern Türkiye)
Muhammet Demir
Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry, Van, Türkiye
This study investigated the physical and chemical properties of the waters of Süphan and Hıdırmenteş Lakes in Van province, Eastern Turkey. Water samples were collected between November 2022 and August 2023 covering three seasons: autumn, spring, and summer. A total of 38 parameters from each lake were analyzed. The average parameter values were evaluated according to water quality classes. For Hıdırmenteş Lake, the average water temperature was 12.74°C, salinity was 0.40 mg L-1, electrical conductivity (EC) was 785.12 μS/cm, suspended solids (SS) was 181.01 mg L-1, turbidity was 152.33 NTU, pH was 8.17, dissolved oxygen (DO) was 8.14 mg L-1, nitrite (NO2–) was 0.01 mg L-1, nitrate (NO3–) was 6.23 mg L-1, ammonia (NH3) was 0.57 mg L-1, ammonium (NH4) was 0.60 mg L-1, phosphate (PO4-3) was 1.22 mg L-1, phosphorus (P) was 0.41 mg L-1, and iron (Fe+2) was 2.877 mg L-1. For Süphan Lake, the average water temperature was 14.57°C, salinity was 0.23 mg L-1, EC was 453.13 μS/cm, SS was 156.00 mg L-1, turbidity was 125.33 NTU, pH was 8.35, DO was 8.19 mg L-1, NO2– was 0.12 mg L-1, NO3– was 8.03 mg L-1, NH3 was 0.96 mg L-1, NH4 was 1.01 mg L-1, PO4-3 was 0.03 mg L-1, P was 0.01 mg L-1, and Fe+2 was 0.377 mg L-1. The water parameters, except for suspended solids, were suitable for agricultural use. According to the Regulation on the Protection and Improvement of waters where trout and carp fish species live, the phosphate, ammonia, and SS in Hıdırmenteş Lake, and the ammonia, SS, and nitrite in Süphan Lake, were not suitable for trout and carp production. To prevent water waste, modern irrigation systems should be used instead of traditional flood irrigation methods. Additionally, farmers should be educated about this issue and encouraged to adopt modern irrigation techniques.
Keywords: lakes, ponds, Van province, water quality parameters, water pollution
Available Online: 07 October 2024
How to Cite:
Demir M. 2025. Determination of water quality characteristics of Süphan and Hıdırmenteş Lakes (Van-Eastern Türkiye). The Palawan Scientist, 17(1): 42-50.

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