The Palawan Scientist Research Journal Botanical observations from a threatened riverine lowland forest in Aborlan, Palawan, Philippines

Botanical observations from a threatened riverine lowland forest in Aborlan, Palawan, Philippines

Jonah van Beijnen1 Email icon and Edgar D. Jose2
1 Fins & Leaves, Oude Bennekomseweg 23, 6706 ER Wageningen, the Netherlands
Western Philippines University, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, Philippines

This research provided a general overview of the vegetation structure of the Talakaigan watershed, Aborlan, Palawan, Philippines, with highlights on some ecological aspects of selected flora and intent of providing urgently needed data supporting existing conservation efforts in the area. Observations were carried during regular trekking activities in the watershed and surrounding areas from 2009 to 2016. Photographs were taken to facilitate species identification. Several noteworthy observations are presented, including a new locality for Begonia palawanensis, a short description of several new species of Begonia and notes on a large population of the Critically Endangered Orania paraguanensis, including details on the early life history of these palm. A large number of anthropogenic disturbances were observed in the area, including well-intended forestation and development efforts by the local and provincial government. Since the watershed does not hold any formal protective status, these disturbances pose a serious threat to the future existence of this unique watershed and some of the endemic species it contains. Our findings support the call to declare the entire watershed as an official protected area.

Keywords: floral inventory, lowland rainforest, conservation, Southeast Asia, Begonia, Orania

How to cite:
Beijnen JV and Jose ED. 2020. Botanical observations from a threatened riverine lowland forest in Aborlan, Palawan, Philippines.The Palawan Scientist, 12: 1-19.

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