Dragonets are one of the dominant species in Tosa Bay, Southwestern Japan. However, until now, there is no baseline information ...
Author: The Palawan Scientist
Social actor representation in mining discourse in the Philippines: A critical discourse analysisSocial actor representation in mining discourse in the Philippines: A critical discourse analysis
This paper addresses the need to investigate media’s representation of mining issues in the Philippines, an unexplored linguistic field within ...
Phytochemical Screening, Macronutrient Content, Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Properties of Selected Edible Plants consumed by the Palaw’an tribe in Bataraza, Palawan, PhilippinesPhytochemical Screening, Macronutrient Content, Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Properties of Selected Edible Plants consumed by the Palaw’an tribe in Bataraza, Palawan, Philippines
This study investigated three edible plants, namely, Ardisia iwahigensis Elmer, Baccaurea gracilis Merr., and Manihot glaziovii Müll.Arg consumed by the ...
Essential elements in Etlingera elatior (Jack) R. M. Sm. and Etlingera philippinensis (Ridl.) R. M. Sm.Essential elements in Etlingera elatior (Jack) R. M. Sm. and Etlingera philippinensis (Ridl.) R. M. Sm.
Despite the advancements contributed to botanical research, scientific attention on many Zingiberaceae plants in spite of their numerous health-promoting applications ...
Bird surveys in Turtle Islands Wildlife Sanctuary, PhilippinesBird surveys in Turtle Islands Wildlife Sanctuary, Philippines
Bird observations were conducted in all six islands within the Turtle Islands Wildlife Sanctuary, Tawi-Tawi, Philippines in May 2017, March ...
Notes on the presence of dwarf spinner dolphins Stenella longirostris roseiventris (Wagner, 1846) in Puerto Bay, Puerto Princesa City, PalawanNotes on the presence of dwarf spinner dolphins Stenella longirostris roseiventris (Wagner, 1846) in Puerto Bay, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan
This research note aimed to document the presence of dwarf spinner dolphins Stenella longirostris roseiventris (Wagner, 1846) in Puerto Princesa ...
Editorial (The Palawan Scientist, 13(2), December 2021)Editorial (The Palawan Scientist, 13(2), December 2021)
Dear Readers, Each new issue of The Palawan Scientist represents an impressive amount of work from both local and international ...
Editorial (The Palawan Scientist, 13(1), June 2021)Editorial (The Palawan Scientist, 13(1), June 2021)
Research generates technology advancement and innovations that have made life a lot easier today than in the distant past. Our ...
The Palawan Scientist | Volume 13(1) |June 2021The Palawan Scientist | Volume 13(1) |June 2021
Table of Contents | Editorial Board | Editorial | The Palawan Scientist Vol. 13(1) Full Journal ORIGINAL ARTICLES ...
Protocol development for the improved hatchery propagation of Tiger grouper Epinephelus fuscoguttatus (Forsskål, 1775) in Palawan, PhilippinesProtocol development for the improved hatchery propagation of Tiger grouper Epinephelus fuscoguttatus (Forsskål, 1775) in Palawan, Philippines
Elmer G. Villanueva, Kyra Hoevenaars, Jonah van Beijnen, Al P. Gonzales, Roger G. Dolorosa and Lota A. Creencia [Abstract:] The ...